Traduzione italiana di Practical lessons in Yoga

Traduzione italiana di Practical lessons in Yoga
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Full Moon Meditation


Sabato 30 Gennaio 2010 in AIA, Firenze ore 20.45

Swami Veda invites you to sit with him in meditation for an hour where ever you are, in your home or with friends.

1 Volta al mese in AIA ci uniamo ai meditanti di tutto il mondo che partecipano al Sangha AHYMSIN e meditiamo sincronizzati per la pace del pianeta!

Per stare con noi a distanza ecco un modello di meditazione!

Sample Meditation

1. Sit as straight as you can on an even, firm, but cushioned surface.

1. Relax your forehead.

3. Relax your facial and physical musculature.

4. Bring awareness to your breathing.

5. Breathe slowly, gently, smoothly, evenly; without jerk or sound in the breathing.

6. Now feel the touch and flow of the breath in the nostrils.

7. Let there be no pause between the breaths; as one breath is completed, begin to feel the next breath flowing and touching the nostrils.

8. After a few breaths, choose:

a. whichever name of God is your favorite according to your tradition or religion;

b. or a sacred but short phrase or prayer word from your scripture or tradition

c. If you do not believe in a form of divinity, or spiritual incarnation and so forth, exhaling, think Oooonnne (One in a long and drawn out way), inhaling think Twwwoooo (Two) without a break in this count with the breath.

9. Exhaling, think that phrase; inhaling think that phrase. The phrase is not to come in the mouth nor on the tongue; it must only be a mentation.

10. Let there be no break between the breaths, nor between the incessant flow of the thoughts of the same phrase.

11. As soon as you become aware that you have lost the flow and other thoughts have begun to arise, re-start the same procedure from the beginning with number 1.

12. Sit for as long as you wish.

13. Let the quietness of the mind continue even after you rise.

14. If you practice this even for 2-3 minutes at a time many times a day, you will notice subtle changes in yourself for the better.

15. Whatever you do repeatedly with the mind, that will become the mind's habit; calming the mind repeatedly will return your mind to its calm nature.

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